Kentucky’s Lexington Launches Cosmic Invitation: Welcoming Extraterrestrial Visitors by 2103

By | 2024-01-17T15:39:20-05:00 January 3rd, 2024|@AirGuide Destinations, Destination, Hotels & Resorts, Travel Adventure|

In an extraordinary move that bridges science and tourism, Lexington, Kentucky, has embarked on a pioneering interstellar tourism campaign, targeting potential extraterrestrial visitors. This ambitious initiative involves a collaborative effort with local specialists in engineering, linguistics, astrobiology, and SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). The campaign’s centerpiece was the transmission of a unique message into space, directed towards the TRAPPIST-1 solar system, 40 light years away, or about 235 trillion miles from Earth.

During a special event at the Kentucky Horse Park, the message, cleared by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), was beamed into the cosmos. It is estimated that the transmission will take over 38 years to reach its intended audience. The message includes a coded bitmap image, revealing its origins in Lexington, coupled with photographs showcasing the city and an audio recording from the legendary blues musician Tee Dee Young.

Dr. Robert Lodder, a leading expert in Computer Engineering and SETI who was integral to the project, expressed his enthusiasm, “Lexington would be a great place to make first contact. You can land your spacecraft here, experience the Bluegrass region, and maybe even ride a horse, depending on your size.”

According to the campaign’s calculations, if extraterrestrial beings receive the message and decide to accept the invitation, their arrival is anticipated around the year 2103. This visionary approach positions Lexington not only as a forward-thinking city on Earth but also as a potential interstellar tourist destination.

Back on Earth, Lexington is inviting its terrestrial visitors to participate in this cosmic outreach. Travelers in the city can contribute postcards to a special time capsule at the Lexington Visitor Center, designed for the extraterrestrial guests. Additionally, the VisitLEX website offers an option for people worldwide to digitally add their greetings, extending a warm welcome to any interstellar visitors.

This unique campaign highlights Lexington’s innovative spirit and its commitment to being a city that not only cherishes its heritage and culture but also looks to the stars and beyond, embracing the possibilities of the future.

By | 2024-01-17T15:39:20-05:00 January 3rd, 2024|@AirGuide Destinations, Destination, Hotels & Resorts, Travel Adventure|