Endangered Sei Whale Found on Cruise Ship Bow Upon Arrival in NYC

By | 2024-05-20T08:38:44-04:00 May 8th, 2024|@AirGuide Destinations, Cruise & Yachting|

An endangered sei whale was tragically discovered caught on the bow of a cruise ship as it docked at the Port of Brooklyn, officials reported. The incident has sparked concern and highlights the ongoing challenges faced by marine life due to increasing ship traffic in critical habitats. Authorities are investigating the circumstances surrounding the whale’s death as the cruise ship arrived in New York City, emphasizing the need for measures to prevent such occurrences in the future.

Sources: AirGuide Business airguide.infobing.com, cbsnews.com

By | 2024-05-20T08:38:44-04:00 May 8th, 2024|@AirGuide Destinations, Cruise & Yachting|